This has been our first Easter home in 2 years. We certainly picked a cold one! The week prior has been great. I spent my "free" (not driving to Narberth) time working on projects around the house. Wow I am amazed at what one can accomplish in a day when you do not have to take the kids places.
We were also selected to host Easter dinner for the Boccelli side. The funniest part of that is that I do not have an oven! So I got off easy with the cooking part. I was in charge of veggies, appetizers, dessert, and beverages. Lets not forget being a charming hostess and the cleaning up.
Dinner was great. The ham (courtesy of Donna-Bird) was yummy! I still think she should have gotten a bigger one (hehe) I only have enough for 1 or 2 more meals. We had a total of 17 people. 10 of them were kids! It was a little loud at times but what a blessing! It is so amazing that 10 kids can all get along and have fun! My friends Beth, rich and their daughter were also part of the group. I was a pleasure to have them. Thank you Beth for ALL you did. Bif provided potatoes and pineapple stuffing (both very tasty) Thanks to all for all your contributions to make dinner a huge success. Also thanks D-Bird for the fruit flowers!
Of course I have to thank the big J for all his help too. My kids were great too helping out with the cleaning.
After dinner we had a long over due rematch of egg schiessing. The Eyler's won last time so the Lobb's had to try to save the family. Now I am sure you are all ask what the heck is egg schiessing?!??? It is a game that my grandmother (Mom-Mom)(greatest Mom-Mom ever!) taught us when we were little. It is where you take a leaf from the table and lean it on a chair to form a ramp. You place an Easter egg at the bottom and the player gets behind the ramp at the top. The player then takes a wedding band (or my PG ring) and rolls it down the ramp trying to hit the eggs and crack it. It is way more fun than it sounds!
After many rounds (2 1/2 dozen eggs to be exact) the Lobb had the lead but due to a technicality (they had too many players) the received a 2-egg penalty the game ended up in a tie! Bif (my sister) will disagree with this version of the story but this is m blog not hers!(HEHEHEHEH) They should also be penalized for playing with inedible eggs! (the ones with the black dots!!!) Especially since the whole object of the game is to win the eggs to EAT!
I think all in all every they went eggceptionally well!!! (HEHE)